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Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 Crash-Lands in San Francisco


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A Boeing 777 operated by South Korea's Asiana Airlines crashed on landing at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday, sending plumes of smoke into the air, and forcing a closure of the airport. News reports say it was Flight 214 out of Inchon that crashed.

Capacity on an Asiana 777-200ER can be anywhere from 262 to 310 passengers, according to SeatPlans.com.

There are believed to be some injuries among the plane's passengers, but no official word has been issued on precisely how many passengers have been injured, nor how many were aboard at the time of the crash.

Tweets from passengers aboard the craft suggest that most passengers are "fine."

The article Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 Crash-Lands in San Francisco originally appeared on Fool.com.

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