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2 Reasons Priceline Will Continue to Lead the Market


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Priceline has grown at a mind-bending 46% compounded annual rate of return over the past 10 years, turning every $1 invested into $44.75. Many say its best days are behind it, but I have at least two reasons to believe otherwise: vision and management style.

Like a chess master, Priceline CEO Darren Huston is strategically positioning parts of his business. Or is he?

If you think the man who runs the $64 billion online travel agency manages his shop with a strict top-down rule, you'd be wrong. In fact, in a manner reminiscent of how Warren Buffett takes a hands-off approach to the day-to-day management of his underlying businesses, Huston recently said, "I spend most of my time on people and growth. I try to keep my nose out of the operations, even though I can't help myself at times, because of the kind of person I am. But I'm constantly trying to make sure that we're attracting the right talent to the group."

The laissez-faire approach has served Priceline quite well, as revenues, operating margins, and free cash flow margins have marched forward at impressive rates, placing the company as the leader in online travel. And it may not stop there given Priceline's announcement this morning that it will acquire OpenTable , the world's leading provider of online restaurant reservations. Huston dubbed it as a natural extension for Priceline's online suite of travel-booking franchises, and it's true that dining and travel are two peas in a pod.

Watch the video to learn more about Huston's approach.

If Priceline seems out of reach, here's another visionary leader instead
Apple recently recruited a secret-development "dream team" to guarantee its newest smart device was kept hidden from the public for as long as possible. But the secret is out, and some early viewers are claiming its everyday impact could trump the iPod, iPhone, and the iPad. In fact, ABI Research predicts 485 million of this type of device will be sold per year. But one small company makes Apple's gadget possible. And its stock price has nearly unlimited room to run for early in-the-know investors. To be one of them, and see Apple's newest smart gizmo, just click here!

The article 2 Reasons Priceline Will Continue to Lead the Market originally appeared on Fool.com.

Michael Finarelli has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends OpenTable and Priceline Group. The Motley Fool owns shares of Priceline Group. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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