Filed under: Credit, Debt, Credit Cards, Consumer Issues, Store Credit Cards

Getting a definitive answer can be a challenge. Sources have different ways of gathering and looking at "average" credit card balances. For instance, recently released survey data that showed that 42.4 percent of Americans carry credit card debt:
- $10,902: Average balance for those with credit card debt.
- $8,864: Average credit card balance for millennials.
- $12,026: Average credit card balance for Generation X.
- $7,087: Average household credit card debt.
- $15,191: Average balance for households that have any credit card debt.
In 2013, studied average credit card debt with different variables. For example:
- $5,047: Average balance per American adult with a credit card.
- $2,720: Average credit card debt per U.S. adult with a credit report and a Social Security number.
- $3,364: Debt per person for all resident American adults.
- $7,100: Average debt per household with credit card debt.
Another issue is that some people charge items on their credit card and pay off the balance in full every month. But even that balance is included in statistics. asked Experian in March 2013 to separate its data:
- $8,220: Average balance for credit cards that usually carry a balance.
- $1,037: Average balance for credit cards that are typically paid in full each month.
No matter what level of credit card debt you have, you're likely to be eager to pay it down to a zero balance.
Keep in mind that while you need to have an emergency fund in the bank, you're earning minuscule interest on that money if it's in a traditional savings account. (There are better alternatives.) Even a "high-yield" savings account in 2014 pays barely 1 percent in interest, while your credit card interest rate is likely to be more than 15 percent. MagnifyMoney's survey found that 75.7 percent of people with credit card debt were paying an interest rate higher than 15 percent in April.
Some of the tried-and-true strategies to eliminate credit card debt include:
- Use the "snowball" plan: Pay as much as you can on your lowest balance while you keep up with the minimum on all other cards. As soon as that card is paid off, apply what you've been paying plus the minimum (and more if you can) to the next highest balance, and so on until you're throwing all available funds at the last credit card.
- Pay off your high-interest debt first: Rank your credit cards in order from the one with the highest interest to the lowest, and then apply the snowball strategy to debts in that order instead of according to the balance.
- Use balance transfers: Eliminate interest payments while paying down your debt, but be aware of the interest rate if you don't pay off the balance in full before the 0 percent interest period expires. Typically you also need to pay a fee of 2 percent to 4 percent of the balance when you transfer the debt.
- Cut up your cards to cut off temptation: Make sure you don't use your credit cards and build up the balance again. But don't close the accounts; that can hurt your credit score. Keep one card available for a true emergency.
Michele Lerner is a Motley Fool contributing writer.