Filed under: Investing Basics, Internet, Investing, Planning

All that changed a month ago. That's when I first started using HabitRPG, which turns your to-do list into a game. Each task is part of a broader quest to gain experience, resources and "buffs" for improving the character that is you.
The Worthy Habits of a Stark of Winterfell

He'll grow and improve over time, but only if I remain focused. HabitRPG penalizes inaction as much as it rewards action. For example, if I don't get in at least 10 minutes of exercise time during the day, my character loses health. Lose enough, and I'll die in the game. By contrast, exceeding my target (i.e., conquering my to-do list) confers experience and gold, resources for furthering my character's equipment and skills.
- Identify positive habits you want but don't yet possess. Say you want to pay yourself first, but don't. Why not set this as a habit that scores points in your game? You'll get the double benefit of enforcing behavior that's good for you while growing your character in the game world. Everyone wins!
- Set daily must-dos. Daily practice builds good habits. Financially, you might choose to pack lunch rather than go out. Each day you bring lunch from home is a day you score points in the game. You'll eat healthier while preserving cash for things you really want, like the replica dragon egg canister you've been dying for. And each day you don't? Ka-pow!
- Turn goals into quests. Want to retire early? That's a great goal you can break into chunks. First, set a date. Then, work backward to find out how much you'd need to save each year. You'll also want to develop a strategy for investing your funds to achieve the returns you'd need to reach your goal. Gamify all this as daily, weekly, and monthly to-dos that score points -- or cost you if you fail to follow through.
- Don't play alone. Role-playing games are best enjoyed in a group. In D&D and HabitRPG, the group is called a "party" of questing explorers who seek treasure and fight boss monsters. You'll have your own beasts to slay if your financial goals are big enough -- early retirement, for example -- so don't tackle them alone. Instead, find a few like-minded individuals who'll support your quests and stay accountable to them. Report your progress and admit when you're losing health. An encouraging word and a well-timed healing potion might be closer than you think.