Filed under: Investing
Although we don't believe in timing the market or panicking over market movements, we do like to keep an eye on big changes -- just in case they're material to our investing thesis.
What: VAALCO Energy shares jumped as much as 17.6% today after the oil explorer received the go-ahead for a drilling program offshore Angola. Shares settled to a 9% gain late in trading.
So what: Angola's Ministry of Petroleum gave written confirmation to VAALCO's partner Sonangol E.P. that they had received the available 40% working interest in Block 5 off the coast of the African nation. This means VAALCO, as operator, can begin contracting drilling rigs to explore in the Kwanza Basin.
Now what: VAALCO holds a 40% working interest in Block 5, with Sonangol holding 60% after this award. Management is excited about the area's potential given success found by other drillers in the block. Don't read too far into this, as the oil search process is just beginning. We're a long way from knowing exactly what Block 5 holds, but this is still a positive development for VAALCO.
Who else is a buy in energy?
There are a number of great ways to play energy now and The Motley Fool is offering a comprehensive look at three energy companies set to soar as the industry evolves. To find out which three companies are spreading their wings, check out the special free report, "3 Stocks for the American Energy Bonanza." Don't miss out on this timely opportunity; click here to access your report -- it's absolutely free.
The article Why VAALCO Energy Shares Popped originally appeared on
Fool contributor Travis Hoium has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.Copyright © 1995 - 2013 The Motley Fool, LLC. All rights reserved. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
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