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Exelis completes critical data security work on future GPS OCX system
CLIFTON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Exelis (NYS: XLS) delivered three ground-based encryptors to Raytheon Company (NYS: RTN) for the U.S. Air Force's next-generation Global Positioning System Operational Control System, or GPS OCX.
Designed to automatically code and decode GPS signals, encryptors facilitate the exchange of user information by securely transmitting navigation payload data between the OCX ground station and the orbiting constellation of satellites.
"Following successful thermal, electromagnetic interference and security verification testing, Exelis delivered the first three of 14 encryptors," said Kevin Farrell, positioning, navigation and timing general manager for Exelis Geospatial Systems. "Once integrated into the OCX system, the encryptors will help ensure that the next generation of GPS satellites will be ready for launch and provide advanced capabilities and security to both military and civilian users of the signal and the overall GPS modernization effort."
Exelis provides critical elements of software in the navigation processing subsystem that will enable controllers to better understand the exact position of GPS satellites. This helps ensure accurate navigation information is securely broadcast to users. In addition to encryptors, Exelis is building high-precision receivers for use in GPS ground monitoring stations and satellite signal simulators for testing purposes.
As part of the overall GPS modernization effort, Exelis is also on contract with Lockheed Martin to provide payloads for GPS III satellites. Exelis is a major space technology provider, supporting both the satellite and ground portions of the GPS III modernization program. For nearly 40 years, Exelis payloads and payload components have been on board every GPS satellite and have accumulated more than 500 years of on-orbit life without a single mission-related failure due to Exelis equipment.
About Exelis
Exelis is a diversified, top-tier global aerospace, defense, information and technical services company that leverages a 50-year legacy of deep customer knowledge and technical expertise to deliver affordable, mission-critical solutions for global customers. We are a leader in communications, sensing and surveillance, critical networks, electronic warfare, navigation, air traffic solutions and information systems with growing positions in C4ISR, composite aerostructures, logistics and technical services. Headquartered in McLean, Va., the company employs about 19,900 people and generated 2012 sales of $5.5 billion. For more information, visit our website at or connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
Jane Khodos, 973-284-5517
KEYWORDS: United States North America New Jersey Virginia
The article Exelis completes critical data security work on future GPS OCX system originally appeared on
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